BMID is committed to ensuring that your water remains safe, reliable, and supplied at the highest possible quality.

PAYMENTS & HOW TO SIGN UP FOR E-BILLING. Various options are available for bill payments. Payments can be made online, paid directly at the bank, or via cheque, cash or debit at our office.
BMID also offers E-billing. If you would like to have your water bill emailed in the future, please fill out the E-billing Request form. If you would like your bill payments automatically deducted from your bank account, please fill out the Pre-Authorized Payments form. Forms are located under our 'Forms and Guidelines' tab. Feel free to contact us at 250-765-5169 if you have any questions. Our office hours are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. We are closed for all Statutory Holidays.NEWS
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at 7:00 pm at the BMID Office located at 285 Gray Road, Kelowna.
The terms of office for Trustees, Gerry Zimmerman and David Geen, expire in 2025. Nominations for these positions will be open from 8:00 am on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 until 3:30 pm on Friday, April 11, 2025. If an Election is required, voting will take place on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm at the BMID office. An Advance Poll is available between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. If you require more information on any of the above items, please call the BMID Office at 250-765-5169. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sign up for our new Voyent Alert Notification Service: Details Below
Irrigation Water Turn On
Irrigation Water turn on will be starting on April 7 through to April 17. If you need it turned on prior to that, please call our office to arrange this. There is a fee for early turn on service.
BMID - 100 Year Anniversary!
The Black Mountain Irrigation District proudly celebrated their 100 year anniversary in 2020. BMID's Letters Patent was issued by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia on November 3, 1920, and since then BMID has been providing water service to the Black Mountain community.
BMID has published a book marking this event, relaying the 100 year history of the District.
"Black Mountain Gold" is available at the office for $25.00. Costs have been kept low due to donations from our generous sponsors (Suppliers, Consultants, Contractors etc). We appreciate their contributions to our Community!
Sign up for our new VOYENT ALERT! service
BMID has recently adopted a new alert service called Voyent Alert! This service allows us to send emergency & service disruption notifications based on your home address. These message can be sent via text message, voice call, email or any combination of the listed methods.
If you would like to receive the notifications relevant to your home address, please contact the BMID office at 250-765-5169 or and provide us with the information needed to sign you up.
Annual Sprinkling Regulations:
Kelowna’s four major water utilities have adopted the same year-round, assigned day outdoor watering restrictions for their customers.
Under the current ‘normal’ conditions, odd numbered addresses may water on Tues/Thurs/Sat and even numbered addresses may water on Wed/Fri/Sun. No properties are to water on Mondays. Odd or Even properties are identified by the street address (i.e. the side of the street that you live on), and in the case of stratas, those units with individual services should conform to the odd/even regulations.
Automatic underground irrigation systems may run between 12am (midnight) and 6am. Manual sprinklers and watering by hose (hand watering) may occur between 6am and 10am, and 7pm and 12am up to three days per week on the assigned day.
For a copy of the city-wide Kelowna Coordinated Drought Plan / Stages for Water Use Restrictions, click here.
Annual District System Flushing:
Crews perform annual water main flushing throughout the District from April to October, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
System flushing is required to ensure optimum water quality and removes any sediment deposits that may accumulate over time. Watch for BMID Road Signs in your area during flushing periods.
Customers of Black Mountain Irrigation District are advised that during these periods, you may experience lower than normal water pressure and some temporary discoloration when crews are working in your area. To avoid any inconvenience, please check your water clarity prior to use. If you experience discoloration, run your cold water taps until the water runs clear.
For any further information, please call the BMID office at 250-765-5169.
Service Connection Works:
At various times during the year, our crew locates domestic service connections and assesses their condition. These locates will assist BMID in being prepared in the event of a water leak at your home. If you see a crew member on your property, they are there to locate the property's shut off valve. The valve is situated at the property line shown on the legal survey, and is part of BMID's infrastructure.
If the assessment shows that immediate repairs are required, the crew may decide to proceed with the repair and may not be able to provide advance notice. Please remember that this work is for your benefit. We appreciate your patience during this process.
Boundary Extension Approved - Ministry Notification:
"Notice is hereby given that Order in Council No. 582-2023 was approved and ordered on October 23, 2023, authorizing an amendment to Letters Patent for the Black Mountain Irrigation District, effective from that date. The authorizing legislative provision is section 679 [amendment of letters patent and reissue of letters patent] of the Local Government Act.
The purpose of the amendment is to extend the boundary for the Black Mountain Irrigation District to include 20 properties totalling 768.45 hectares located in the Central Okanagan East Electoral Area of the Regional District of Central Okanagan.
A copy of the Order in Council and map showing the boundary of the Black Mountain Irrigation District may be viewed or obtained from the Secretary at, or in person at 285 Gray Road, Kelowna, V1X 1W8.
This notice is published in accordance with section 780 [publication of letters patent] of the Local Government Act."
Further to the notice above, a copy of the Order In Council and the new Boundary Map can be found here.
Trustee Election 2024:
The terms of office for Trustees, Colin Day and Sukhpaul Bal, expired in 2024. Nominations for two Trustee positions were open from 8:00 am on April 2, 2024 until 3:30 pm on April 12, 2024. Nominations were received during this period for Mr. Day and Mr. Bal only, with no others received. Subsequently, both Colin Day and Sukhpaul Bal were re-elected by acclamation, each for an additional three year term.
Annual General Meeting 2024:
The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the BMID Office.
The 2023 AGM Reporting Package, which includes the Audited Financial Statements, can be found here:
The 2022 AGM Reporting Package, which includes the Audited Financial Statements, can be found here:
BMID's most recent Newsletters are available here:
BMID Newsletter - November 2021
BMID Newsletter - February 2023
BMID Newsletter - September 2023
BMID Newsletter - February 2024