For Utility Billing

Property Sales:  Lawyer's Tax & Tolls Utility Search Request

  • Lawyers are required to submit a Tax & Toll Request to BMID to obtain the balance owed on account.  Once the Lawyer receives the information with the amount owing to BMID, they will submit the outstanding payment to BMID and make the appropriate adjustment on the Buyers/Sellers Statement of Adjustments.  
  • Once BMID receives the Title change from Land Titles BC with the new owner's information, we will close the seller's  account and set up the new owner's account.
  • As residential accounts are not metered, BMID will not shut the water off/on when changing ownership.
  • See the "Maps tab" for BMID boundaries / roads within our District.

Pre-Authorized Payment Form - Utility Bills
Sign up and enjoy the convenience of having your Utility Bill payment automatically withdrawn from your bank account.  Choose a monthly or quarterly option. 

**NEW** Pre-Authorized Payment Form - Irrigation Tax Bills
Your Irrigation Tax Bill payment can now be automatically withdrawn from your bank account.  Annual Taxes are levied on properties with over .5 acres, and will be issued an Irrigation Tax invoice.  Tax Invoices are mailed (via Canada Post) in the first week of November annually. Payments will be withdrawn on December 15th each year.  

E-Billing Set up or Cancellation - Commercial

E-Billing Set up or Cancellation - Domestic


  Fax or mail your completed forms to:

Black Mountain Irrigation District
285 Gray Rd
Kelowna, BC  V1X 1W8

Ph: 250-765-5169 ....... Fax: 250-765-0277

 Completed forms can also be emailed to


MOVING?  PLEASE NOTE:  If you have moved, or the owner on the property title has changed, your BMID account number will change.  Please check your invoice details and update your online banking set-up information before you make your payment.


ONLINE BANKING SET-UP:   To set up your account online, search the "add a payee" in the payment section of your bank's website.  Enter 'Black Mountain' only and ensure you choose Black Mountain Irrigation District - please note that some banks may abbreviate our name. 

  • For quarterly or monthly billing, choose Tolls, and enter 3 numbers, 3 letters with 3 numbers, followed by 3 numbers:  Example:  000 ABC123 000.
  • For annual irrigation tax billing, choose Taxes, and enter your entire BMID roll number (usually 11 digits, all numbers, omit the periods) located in the top left corner of your BMID irrigation tax invoice.  If your bank asks for 12 digits, add a 0 at the front of the roll number. Do not use your City of Kelowna or RDCO tax folio number.
  • Please ensure you have chosen the correct account to pay (Tolls or Taxes), to ensure your payment is applied properly.  


UNSURE WHO YOUR WATER PROVIDER IS?  Click here and insert your address:

Find your water provider - City of Kelowna







For WATER EMERGENCIES after hours, call 604-815-6051 (Toll Free 1-888-380-1449).


Road Closure Notice – McKenzie Road

Please be advised that McKenzie Road, immediately north of the intersection with Swainson Road to 1325 McKenzie Road, will be closed for construction from Monday, March 31st to Friday, April 4th, between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM daily.

BMID crews will be conducting essential work to renew five road crossing water services along this section of McKenzie Road. During this time, please follow the posted detour signs or use an alternative route to avoid the area.

For residents within the affected closure zone, BMID will ensure that you have uninterrupted access to your property on a daily basis.

As part of this work, water service to some homes may be temporarily interrupted to facilitate the installation of the new water services. A separate notification will be sent to those properties in advance of any planned disruptions.

To veiw the affected area please see Map 1 and Map 2.

For further information or any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the BMID Office.

Thank you for your patience



This service allows us to send emergency & service disruption notifications based on your home address. These message can be sent via text message, voice call, email or any combination of the listed methods. If you would like to receive the notifications relevant to your home address, please contact the BMID office at 250-765-5169 or

See current Alerts on the BMID Web Homepage
